Kontakt Landauer Direct
LANDAUER direct Administrera er dosimetri enkelt själv online!

Search Bar

Quickly find a participant, subdivision, sub-account, or account using the new search function. Suggestions appear from the first character typed!

The new search bar is accessible from all pages of your LANDAUER Direct space.

At the top of all pages, discover the search bar.

dosimetry participant search menu

It allows you to search from the first character for the following items:

  • accounts,
  • sub-accounts,
  • subdivisions,
  • dosimeter labels (for area or visitor dosimeters),
  • participants with their names, first names, social security numbers, or identification numbers.

The results are instantly sorted. You can immediately see if a service or participant is inactive.

Then, simply click on the desired line to access the details of the item.

dosimeter participant search menu